RECENT FROM Appetizers
“Buffalo” Sty...

12 Fresh Eggs 1/2 cup blue cheese — crumbled 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon parsley — minced...
Chili for the Winter

Duke’s Chili Feo, Fuerté, y Calenté (Ugly, Strong and Hot) Recipe submitted by Mike “Woody”...
In The Weed(s)
Hi, Everyone! Yes, it HAS been quite a while since the last Sandwich. No excuse other than laziness, back surgery,...
Singing in the Rain
I just saw a post on Facebook about grilling in Texas. It depicted some folks grilling in a hail storm holding a...
No Words
Loss of Innocence
A Loss of Innocence My daughter, Veronica, is a student nurse. She is a young woman, almost 22 years old. But to...
Good Morning, 2017
posted on: Jan 1, 2017 | author: Mike
Welcome to another year! Here are some “Lessons Learned” from 2016 that I thought I’d share. Time marches on WAY too quickly. 2016 passed in the...
The End (of 2016) Is Near!
posted on: Nov 27, 2016 | author: Mike
2016. What a strange year. Thankfully, it is drawing to a close. It’s like we’ve been living in some weird opposite world or worse. The media calls...
Sad day.
posted on: Jul 5, 2016 | author: Mike